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Oliomio Sintesi

Installation for cold oil extraction by centrifugation. Ideal for producers who want to process olives immediately after harvesting to obtain high-quality extra virgin oil. It is a piece of equipment designed for small and medium-sized productions that provides a high degree of flexibility when carrying out the oil extraction process. It consists of a mill, mixing system and decanter. Oliomio Sintesi allows processing between 120 kg and 500 kg of olives per hour, depending on the option chosen.

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There are different configuration possibilities of the Oliomio Sintesi equipment that can be studied depending on the space available for its location and the existing production needs. Thus allowing olive processing of 120 kg, 150 kg, 200 kg, 250 kg, 350 kg and 500 kg per hour, depending on the option chosen.

  • Equipment consisting of a mill, mixing system and decanter.
  • Mill equipped with blades with fixed sieve of 250 mm diameter, 6.5 mm diameter holes with polisher and inverter for speed regulation.
  • Vertical mixers prepared for slight depression and automatic washing.
  • Heating jacket with recirculation and valves for external management.
  • Paste outlet pumps to the decanter with speed variator.
  • Flow meter for dosing water extraction.
  • Decanter with two outlets with 2.0 auger.
  • Possibility of processing continuously or discontinuously.
  • Electrical panel equipped with thermal protection and made to work continuously and discontinuously with stainless steel cables and channels for various connections.
  • Controls the temperature of the paste in: the mill, the mixers, the outlet of the paste to the decanter and the outlet of the oil from the decanter.
  • The standard voltage of electric motors is 380V, 50 Hz.
  • Vacuum pump, Optional.

The plus of the Sintesi installation compared to other options lies in the control of temperatures in all stages of the process and in the ability to maintain an oxygen-free environment in the mixing stage. It has been specially designed for oil production with a high content of phenolic compounds for small and medium-sized companies. It offers the possibility of processing continuously or discontinuously. The management of oxygen at the mill entrance characterizes the production and constitutes a very important factor that allows the formation of lipoxygenase. Blending is done in closed vertical blenders prepared for slight depressurization. The input of the paste is carried out by means of a pump with a solenoid valve and the output is managed by means of an elliptical piston pump mounted on each mixer. The horizontal decanter that separates the liquid from the solid has been designed to obtain the highest quality performance; The 2.0 worm screw has been made to obtain the cleanest product possible without adding water; there is no temperature increase during extraction. Automatic washing is available as an option. In conclusion, it can be stated that Sintesi facilities allow the extraction of a great product in all phases of production, that makes the difference.