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Monoblock RTS 1200

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The rinsing operation inside the new bottles responds to health requirements and is in accordance with the quality levels demanded by consumers.

Technical characteristics of the TRIBLOCS ELT rinsers:

  • Electric adjustment of the turret height.
  • Mechanical regulation of the injection time of the rinse liquids.
  • Pressure regulation of the rinse liquid.
  • Safety device “no bottle – no spray”
  • Adjustable rinse product distribution.
  • Removable bottle intake inserts, made of EPDM.
  • Tweezers machined from solid AISI 304 stainless steel.
  • Twist-type clamp rotation control allowing perfect rotation.
  • Removable drained liquid collection tray.


The filling of the bottles, both in terms of quality and yields obtained, really depends on the design of the nozzles

Technical characteristics of the MONOBLOCS LT and TRIBLOCS ELT fillers:

  • AISI 304 stainless steel tank with mirror-polished interior.
  • Design of the tank that allows it to be completely emptied.
  • Detachable tank cover without tools to facilitate inspection.
  • Transparent glass peephole for visual control of the interior of the tank.
  • Filling carousel on a column that allows the height to be adjusted according to the bottle formats.
  • Product feeding from above allowing the tank to be filled by gravity or by means of a pump.
  • Electro-pneumatic product feeding valve with adjustable opening and closing.
  • Lifting of the bottles using mechanical pistons. Mechanical lowering of the pistons by means of a cam.
  • AISI 304 stainless steel nozzles designed for gravity filling.
  • They produce a tight seal with the bottles during filling and send the air or gas evacuated from them to the top of the tank.
  • Each nozzle has a bottle neck centerer.
  • System for pre-evacuation of the air contained in the bottles by means of a pre-injection of neutral gas inside them.
  • The nozzles are easily sterilizable with steam or chemicals.
  • If desired, a gas injector can be placed at the outlet to improve filling precision.


The LT monoblocs and ELT triblocs come in a corking version but can also have reversible cork/pilfer or cava/champagne type capping heads:

  • Monobloc equipped with a stainless steel hopper to feed the corking machine with corks.
  • AISI 304 stainless steel corking machine for cylindrical cork or silicone stoppers.
  • Corking machine with 4 compression jaws made of N 690 stainless steel, tempered and ground.
  • Easy maintenance since the jaws are easily disassembled for cleaning.
  • Crankcase cleaning device that contains the jaws to remove all traces of cork.
  • Device to apply vacuum before capping the neck of the full bottle.